Being a Wexford native myself I think the country code published by the Wexford County Council is right on the money when it comes to a more beach related code of conduct. Well for us beach hunters anyway!
Im a strong believer that should you use public spaces for any kind of recreation you have a very serious responsibility to leave that public space better than you found it in the first place.
Destroying public spaces with the likes of old disposable BBQ's, glass bottles (a pet hate of mine) and the myriad of other items that get "forgotten" by others.
I can't speak for other detectorists but no matter the bit of junk I end up digging, I always take it away and disposed of it correctly. But thats just me.
Wexford County Council's Country Code.
Show respect for your environment. Help preserve and protect the amenities you have come here to enjoy. Be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
Leave nothing but footprints. Bring your litter home.
Kill nothing but time. Respect other life forms.
Take nothing but photos and memories. Leave wild flowers and seashells for others to enjoy.
Avoid disturbing wildlife.
Respect landowners' property. Seek permission before entering private lands adjacent to the beach.
Beware of climbing on the cliffs; they are dangerously slippery in places.
Observe the Beach Bye-Laws devised by Wexford County Council; these regulations are being enforced in the interests of the common good and your enjoyment of the beach.
Do not light fires.
Keep dogs under control. Clean up after them if they foul the beach that other people wish to enjoy.
Use the car parks and park safely.
Be a good citizen.
Report breaches of the Beach Bye-Laws to the Environment Section of Wexford County Council at 053 91 96313
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